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"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

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Q: What is a complete infinitive phrase?
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Which phrase is the complete infinitive phrase in the sentence?

Lisa wants to go quickly.

What infinitive pharse is in this sentence Zoe was glad to finish mowing the yard?

finish the complete infinitive phrase is "to finish mowing the yard".

Infinitive phrase in Georgio is planning to become an airplane pilot?

Georgio is planning to become an airplane pilot. The complete infinitive phrase is "to become an airplane pilot".

What type of phrase is to be?

An infinitive phrase. An infinitive phrase is a noun phrase with an infinitive as its head. Unlike the other noun phrases, however, an infinitive phrase can also function as an adjective or an adverb.

Why is to run an infinitive?

because an infinitive phrase is the word "to" and then a verb so to run (verb) is an infinitive phrase

What is the infinitive phrase for they stood to watch the soccer game?

The infinitive phrase here is "to watch".

How can you tell the difference between an infinitive phrase and a prepositional phrase?

In an infinitive phrase, it is always a preposition, and something you can do. For example: I like to think about my family. In this sentence to think is an infinitive phrase, and about my family is a prepositional phrase. to think, to be, to run, to do, to rescue, are all some of the MANY infinitives. Think this when you are trying to figure out if it is an infinitive phrase: to and something you can do! If it is something you can do after the preposition, then it is an INFINITIVE!

What is the phrase Dianne ran away to join the circus?

"To join the circus" is the infinitive phrase.

What infinitive phrase is in Dianne ran away to join the circus?

"To join the circus" is the infinitive phrase.

What infinitive phrase is Dianne ran away to join the circus?

"To join the circus" is the infinitive phrase.

What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence. Dianne ran away to join the circus.?

The infinitive phrase is "to join the circus" (an adverbial phrase).

What is a infinity phrase?

An infinitive phrase will begin with an infinitive [to + simple form of the verb]. It will include objects and/or modifiers.