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First we convert the nucleic acid into a messenger RNA, mRNA, by the process of transcription. Then, in the ribosome, we convert this mRNA unto a polypeptide ( the amino acid sequence ) by the process of translation.

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tRNA consists of anticodons, with are complementary to mRNA. The tRNA also consists of an amino acid which later build up into an amino acid chain.

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Q: What is converting the info on the mRNA into a sequence of amino acids that make up a protein?
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Coverting mrna into a sequence of amino acids that make up protein is called what?

Converting messenger RNA, mRNA into a sequence of amino acids that make up protein is called translation.

Specific function of a protein is determined by?

exact sequence of amino acids

What influences protein shape that determines protein function?

Amino acid sequence primarily determines a proteins shape, but secondary (alpha helix and beta sheet) and tertiary structures (Hydrogen bonding, other chemical bonding between structures) adds to it.

Does amino acids affect protein functions?

The sequence of amino acids affects protein function. The three-dimensional structure of a protein determines its function. The three-dimensional structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of its amino acids.

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DNA determines the sequence of the amino acids (building blocks) in a protein. The sequence of nitrogen bases in the DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

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the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain differs from protein to protein -xbanditlover

The sequence of nucleotides in DNA specifies the sequence of what in a protein?

Amino Acids

A sequence of amino acids?

form a protein chain.

Is A polypeptide is a sequence of proteins or amino acids?

Yes, a polypeptide is a sequence of amino acids.

What determines the amino acid sequence in a protein?

The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA, and this is determined by the sequence of nucleotide bases in the DNA.

What determines the sequence of amino-acids in a protein?

The DNA carries the instructions for protein synthesis. These instructions are copied onto mRNA, which then travels to the ribosome. At the ribosome, the mRNA is translated into the correct sequence of amino acids.

The sequence of amino acids joined together refers to the?

Peptide sequence or amino acid sequence is the order in which amino acid residues, connected by peptide bonds, lie in the chain in peptides and proteins. The sequence is generally reported from the N-terminal end containing free amino group to the C-terminal end containing free carboxyl group. Peptide sequence is often called protein sequence if it represents the primary structure of a protein.