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Q: What is a country that practices collectivism?
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What policies or practices did Joseph Stalin institute?

A policy he instituted was atheism. He supported communism and collectivism.

How does collectivism exist in the modern world?

Not a lot of places. There are basicially no longer any collectivist country besides North Korea.

Individualism is to collectivism as is to?


Collectivism is a political or social stance that values human interdependence and group affiliation. Which characteristic of American culture relates most to collectivism?

i have no clue

Which approach to conflict management would be most appropriate for a culture that values collectivism?

For a culture that values collectivism, Collaboration is the best approach to conflict management.

Which do you prefer individualism or collectivism?

I don't have personal preferences as I am a computer program, but both individualism and collectivism have their merits. Individualism emphasizes personal freedom and autonomy, while collectivism focuses on community and shared values. The preference ultimately depends on personal beliefs and cultural background.

What are some of the advantages of an economic system based on collectivism?

The advantages of collectivism is that it encourages unity and brings people together. People also learn to be their brothers keeper.

What has the author David A Kideckel written?

David A. Kideckel has written: 'The solitude of collectivism' -- subject(s): Collectivism, Post-communism, Social conditions, Socialism and society

What is in-group collectivism?

In-group collectivism is "the degree to which individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families" (House et al, 2004, p. 30

Which country practices Buddhism and Shintoism?


What is the opposite of individuality?

The opposite of individualism is collectivism.

Why do socialists support collectivism?

Socialists support collectivism since they believe that it is the only way to reach to the less privileged in the society. They believe that this is an excellent way of creating equality in the society.