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Q: What is a fish eating bird often found on the coast?
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What is bullfinches?

types of bird-often found in europe-they're songbirds

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Where can bird baths be found?

Bird baths can be found in major home improvement stores, like Home Depot or Lowe's. Bird baths can also be found in gardening stores, as they are often used to decorate gardens or lawns.

What is the biggest bird eating spider ever?

The Golith bird eating spider

What happens wene you found a baby bird with worms in it?

It is most likely dead and the worms are eating and decomposing it.

What is a Cuban tody bird?

The Cuban tody (Todus multicolor) is a small, round-winged insect-eating bird of a genus that is found worldwide in tropical climates.

How did the Goliath bird eating tarantulr get its name?

A man saw it eating a humming bird

What is a bird eating spiders habitat?

Goliath bird having the habit of eating spiders.

Bird eating spiders get eating by?


What is the name of the Spanish islands of the northwest coast of Africa?

The Canary Islands are the Spanish islands off the northwest coast of Africa.(They are not named for the bird, but for the dog breed, canarias in Spanish, found there.)

Where is the bird species Kea found?

The bird species Kea is often found in the country of New Zealand. They tend to stick mostly to the highly forested and alpine regions of the country though.