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Pucker Up! Does the level of acid in juice cause the lip pucker?

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Q: What is a good and creative title for a science fair project about the acidity level in juices?
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What the branch of chemistry is involved when the acidity of fruits juices are compared?

analysis of fruit and vegetable juices for their acidity

What will help you to be more creative?

Have a couple drinks, the creative juices will be flowing in no time.

What is importance of acidity?

well for fruit juices and yoghurts, acid gives it the taste

How can you do a project on the analysis of vegetable and fruit juices?

A simple project you could do is to find the acidity of vegetable and fruits juices. You could do the project using juices that are available in stores, but they usually have added ingredients. If you want juices that are fresh and have no added ingredients, you could juice the fruits and vegetables yourself using a juicer. This would also work if you want to do a project on how much juice you could get out of a certain amount of each vegetable and fruit or how many of each you need to use to get a certain amount of juice. Another idea would be to do a comparison of the nutrients in each type of vegetable and fruit. For that, you could do research on the Internet or in the library. There are limitless other projects you could do.

Do the gorillaz smoke weed?

yes, to get the creative juices flowing.

What is the importance of total acidity in fruit juice?

Titratable acidity of fruit juices is an important parameter in determining fruit maturity and sour taste in citrus fruits.

How do you investiget the acidity of different juices without using pH scale or universal indictor?


What type of chemical reaction takes place as this digestive juice mixes with the acid from the stomach?

I suppose that the reaction between fruit/vegetables juices and hydrochloric acid from the stomach are not so important. Juices can increase the acidity in stomach.

How much acidity does apple juice have?

It varies with variety and ripeness. Eating apples when ripe yield juices in the pH range of about 3.1 to 4.3.

Why do you get so excited and have an adrenaline rush through you whenever you have an idea for a story to write?

This is generally referred to as getting your creative juices flowing , a common feeling for creative people.

How not to write a novel?

You can not write a novel by keeping your creative juices in your head. Also, you can not write a novel by writing a dictionary instead.

What prewriting activity?

A prewriting activity can be a brainstorm, or some other creative outlet. This will help get your creative juices flowing before starting your report, essay, or other writing activity. This way, you have an idea of what to write about.