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Silver is most conducting element,but copper is better.

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Q: What is a good conductor of energy?
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How is a conductor different then an insulator?

A conductor is very good with energy it can produce energy (A conductor). A insulator cannot produce heat. You don't get any energy out of an insulator.

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Is copper a poor conductor of energy?

No. Copper is a good conductor of both electricity and heat.

What material is good conductor of thermal energy?

a metal

Is aluminium a good heat conductor?

Yes, aluminium is a good conductor of both electricity and thermal energy. It can also be a superconductor (in proper conditions).

What is meant by a good conductor?

An object is a good conductor when electricity, heat or another form of energy can travel through it easily.

Is joule a good conductor of heat?

A joule is a unit of work or energy; so no, it is not a conductor of heat.

Is a nonmetal a good conductor of thermal energy?

Yes its a conducter

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Is silicon a good conductor at energy?

semi conductor. a good semi conductor. It can also be n or p doped to increase it's conductivity

What is shiny element good conductor of thermal energy and electric currents?

a metal

What metal is a good conductor of thermal energy and electric current?

aluminum, copper,