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A really good link below has amazing net ionic equations, balanced too! Sorted by type of reaction, really useful.

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Q: What is a good resource for practicing net ionic equations for AP chemistry?
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What is ionic?

Ionic equations are a special type of chemical equations that demonstrate the changes in oxidation numbers in particular ions.

What are equations that include only particles that participate in a reaction?

A net ionic equation.

What Equations illustrate the action of the ions participating in the chemical reaction.?


In net ionic equations are not written as separate ions.?

Solids(: for A+plus

Equations illustrate the action of the ions participating in the chemical reaction?


Is ai2o3 an ionic bond or a covalent bond?

There is no such substance as ai2o3 in chemistry. However, Al2O3 (with a lowercase L, not an i) is an ionic compound.

What are three major bond in chemistry?

covalent hydrogen and ionic

What is complete ionic equations?

An equation showing all dissolved compounds as ions

Is it true that net ionic equations include those substances directly involved in the reaction?

Yes, it is true. But in my opinion these equations have no sense manner.

Are organic compounds formed with ionic bonds?

Organic compounds tend NOT to be ionic - there are exceptions. Organic Chemistry is defined as the Chemistry of Compounds of Carbon. Ionic forces tend to intercede when we add Oxygen.

What components are included in a net ionic equation?

A net ionic equation includes only the components that are active in the reaction. Spectator ions are removed, unlike in total ionic equations.

Why do scientist need to identify ionic compounds?

Because Ionic bonds are the strongest of all in chemistry. If a compound is ionic, it is unstable and will most likely fix itself with a corresponding ionic compound.