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if you don't have good luck, then you don't have a four leaf clover!

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Q: What is a good slogan for the four leaf clover?
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Related questions

Is st Patrick's day a three leaf clover or four leaf clover?

The four leaf clover is considered a symbol of good luck by Irish people

What Person or thing considered to bring good luck?

Four leaf clover, Penny, Crossing your fingers, Ladybugs, Rabbits foot, Horseshoe.

Why is a four leaf clover called a four leaf clover?

A four leaf clover is called a four leaf clover because it is a clover with four leaves. The reason for its name is quite literal. =)

Is a four leaved clover supposed to bring you luck or is it a three leaved clover?

four leaf clover bring you good luck. three leaf is a shamrock

What means a trebol of four leaf?

A four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover and is considered a symbol of good luck and fortune. It is said that each leaf of a four-leaf clover represents faith, hope, love, and luck.

What is Four leaf clover known as?

Good Luck!

What does a 5 leaf clover mean?

luckier than a four leaf clover.

Can you laminate a four leaf clover?

Yes you can laminate a four leaf clover.

What does a five leaf clover represents?

even more rare.......luckier than a four leaf clover......

Good luck card for someone emigrating?

A four leaf clover is the universal good luck charm. Sent them a four leaf clover good luck charm... it means farewell and good luck.

What is a four leave clover?

In Irish tradition, a three leaf clover, a Shamrock supposedly represents the Holy Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. If a four leaf clover is found, then the fourth leaf is considered to bring God's Grace.

What four-leaf ... is supposed to bring good luck?
