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A thesis statement is a sentence or two that is used to quickly inform the reader about what a research paper will be about. A good thesis statement for a paper on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow would outline who he is, why he is famous and what he has accomplished in his life.

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Q: What is a good thesis statement for a research paper on Henry wadsworth longfellow?
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A thesis is not a statement of absolute fact. A thesis is usually an opinion supported by a lot of quality research.

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It means you prove with research what you stated in your thesis.

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Thesis Statement

Which best states the purpose of the thesis statement in a research paper?

The thesis statement is a summary of the basic point of the research paper. It is used in the introduction, and emphasized again at the conclusion.

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thesis statement

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Be worth discussing.

What is the relationship between a hypothesis a conclusion and a thesis statement in a research essay?

. A hypothesis is tested; if it is proven to be true, it becomes a conclusion; the conclusion becomes a thesis statement when it is modified to answer the research question.

What is the thesis statement for zombie baseball beatdown?

There is no thesis statement for a game. A thesis statement comes from a theory or research. If your teacher asked for something like this he/she is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. They are not looking for our answers.

When should the thesis statement be written in a research paper?

The thesis statement in a research essay should be specific. It should cover only what you will discuss in your paper. It should express one main point that is worth discussing. The thesis statement should also make a stand on a debatable point.

What is a thesis statement and what consists of a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. It typically consists of the topic being discussed and the writer's position on that topic. The thesis statement guides the reader on what to expect in the rest of the paper.

What is the purpose of a thesis statement in a research paper?

A thesis statement clearly informs the reader about the point you are arguing in your paper. You must have a view you want to support about the topic on which you are writing a research paper, or the paper will be a "brain dump" with no clear direction. In a thesis statement, you state your point of argument and very briefly hit on the main points you will talk about to prove that your argument is valid.