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Don't talk as much as possible. Drink tea or lemon water

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Q: What is a good way to help your vocal chords when you get sick?
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How orange help you?

they have vitamin's that are good for you especially when you are sick.

How do you lose your voice with out screaming?

You could get sick around the vocal or throat area

What kind of vocal exercises do you need to do to improve your singing voice?

you can't be sick and your vocal cords should not be bad and you need perfect lungs to sing.

Was Celine Dion sick when she cancelled her concerts?

Yes; she had problems with her vocal cords when the concerts were cancelled.

How does the pitch of your voice change when you catch a cold or when you sing?

The pitch of your voice depends on how fast your vocal chords vibrate. The faster they vibrate, the higher the pitch. When you sing you use your muscles to force them closer together causing them to vibrate faster. When you are sick, your lymph nodes swell causing them to get closer and vibrate faster producing a higher sound.

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To do charite work and travel and help sick kids.

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What cells help?

white cells help protect you when you get sick. Your white cell can also get weaker when you get sick

Should you drink orange juice or cranberry juice when im sick?

The vitamin C in orange juice can definitely help you if you are sick. Cranberry juice is good if you are having kidney issues

How is healthy living good for you?

It can help you live longer, you would get sick less and you save some money from doctor trips.

Do sailors help sick people?

no they don't help sick people because their job is to get fish and food in the sea.

Does it do any good to take a vaccine once you are sick with the disease the vaccine is supposed to fight?

No, it doesn't, because the vaccine 'primes' the system for the virus. It won't help once you're already sick.