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Humanists believe that the function of the curriculum is to provide each learner with intrinsically

rewarding experiences that contribute to personal liberation and development. To

humanists, the goals of education are related to the ideals of personal growth, integrity, and

autonomy. Healthier attitudes toward self, peers, and learning are among their expectations.

The ideal of self-actualization is at the heart of the humanistic curriculum. A person

who exhibits this quality is not only coolly cognitive but also developed in aesthetic and

moral ways, that is, a person who does good works and has good character. The humanist

views actualization growth as a basic need. Each learner has a self that must be uncovered,

built up, taught.


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so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.

Why teacher need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design?

so that the teacher will know the most appropriate curriculum design she will used in the future.

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