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I think it means you were put into a coma by the doctor.

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Q: What is a induced coma?
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What does COMA stand for?

A barbiturate-induced coma

What does barb coma stand for?

A barbiturate-induced coma

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A form of unconsciousness caused by taking drugs.

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Does being in a medically induced coma affect results of blood alcohol test?

It could depend on any medications administered whilst induced in a coma. However, it is extremely unlikely that a doctor would induce coma with any alcohol based medication. So the real answer is no, but in theory possibly.

What is hypoglycemic coma?

A hypoglycemic coma is a coma that is induced from excessive amounts of injected insulin shots or medications that contained hypoglycemia. Like most commas it can last for a long time and be deadly.

How do you get into a 2-year coma?

The problem with comas is that, unless medically induced, they are unpredictable in length. Medically-induced comas are caused by careful dosing of barbiturates like phenobarbital. Also, when entering a coma, you risk serious and permanent brain damage, so you must make sure that the benefits of the coma outweigh this risk.

Is ash in a coma in Pokemon?

No. Pokemon has to deal with Ash and Picachu battling it out with other Pokemon trainers.

what does it mean when someone is in an induced coma?

They are purposefully put in a coma through some anesthetic drug. It is only temporary, but it's done to put the brain in a hibernating state to recover.