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Q: What is a lump under the hairline that lasts for over three months?
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What causes cement to peel away?

Moisture under hairline cracks.

How many months is three million seconds?

its just under 35 days

Does big Syrian female hamster can be with young Syrian male hamster?

If they're both at least three months, it works. If the male is still under three months, then no.

What do you a male chicken?

If it is under three months of age it is called a cockle if it is over three months of age it is a roosterA male chicken is called a rooster. And a female is called a hen. Hope this helped!

How long has Cena had a girlfriend?

John Cena has only had 2-3 girlfriends in his lifetime and all the times, the relationship has only lasted under months. But his relationship with men lasts longer, over 5 months! Again he is biosexual and likes more on the guys side. He has had- boyfriends that have gone over 5 months...unlike the girls!

Why was brass used?

Because it looks nice and lasts under water

What is a dime sized to nickel sized bump under the skin under the hairline?

Possibly a plugged hair follicle or a cyst. Only your doctor can tell you for certain as it would have to be looked at to be diagnosed.

How long does Brightness last in Antarctica?

Sources of brightness can be the sun, the moon and the southern hemisphere of stars. The brightness lasts 12 months out of every year. Under each of these light sources, Antarctica is 'bright' enough to navigate out of doors.

Can forehead size be reduced?

You can try getting bangs or using dark brown makeup to make a shadow under your hairline to make it seem smaller.

What is the average career length for a pro volleyball player?

For 12th grade and under the game lasts how ever long it takes for one team to win best two out of three. To win this they have to get 25 points before the other team and have to win by at least two. In college volleyball and up it is the same except instead of two out of three it's three out of five.

When was the last time that gas was below three dollars a gallon in most states?

Gas was below three dollars a gallon just a few months ago. Gas dropped to under three dollars, but then increased again.

How long has titanic been under the sea in months?

1,201 months