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A frame with a 2 by 4 piece of wood

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Q: What is a man made frame structure?
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Why is a bridge a frame structure?

A bridge is a frame structure because it is made out of parts that are fastened together

Why is the White House a Frame Structure?

It is a frame structure because it is a frame structure.

Definition for man made structures?

A structure made by a man

Is a bridge man made or engineering structure?

BOTH it is not natural, and made by humans. - man made it is an engineering structure as well!

Is a tunnel a frame structure?

Yes, It is a frame structure.

Is a ladder a frame or shell structure?

frame structure

Is a tent a frame or shell structure?

A tent is a frame structure

Is loaf of bread a frame or shell structure?

frame structure

Is the skeleton a natural frame structure?

Yeah, the skeleton is a natural frame structure ^.^ A cobweb is too.... Things like the Eiffel tower, bridges etc. are man-made frame structures. DON'T confuse them with eathother - I mean you can't exactly make a cobweb can you.... Or a whole skeleton..... that would be pretty awkward..... :P Well, good luck ;) Cheers :)

What is structure of a chair?

It is a frame structure because the chair has a skeleton therefor it is a frame structure

What is a frame sructure?

in frame structure the distributions of load is equal.... the best example to understand about frame structure is spider web.... it is a natural open frame structure

Frame solid and shell structure?

advantages of a frame structure: cheap strong disadvantages of a frame structure: expensive advantages of a shell structure: unique strong disadvantages of a shell structure: expensive