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Q: What is a perrenial plant with yellow flowers used in medicine and dyeing?
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What is a perennial plant with serrated leaves four petalled yellow flowers and an astringent root used in medicine and dyeing?


What is solution dyeing?

Red and Yellow dye.

Why do wattle flowers look yellow?

Wattle flowers are yellow.

A plant common in Europe used in dyeing wool a yellow color?


Why are vegtabels flowers all yellow?

Vegetable flowers are not all yellow.

A herb plant with little yellow flowers leavies can be used as tea flowers can be used as medicine what's the name of this plants?

Probably chamomile. The flowers are harvested for teas and they have distinct demulcent purpose. Great for calming the stomach providing you aren't allergic to them.

What is the name of a primula with clusters of yellow flowers?

Primroses are a type of primula with yellow flowers.

What plant with yellow flowers and starts with mar?

if i am correct the marigold has yellow flowers and has "mar" in its name.

Which flower is used as a dye?

Dyer's CoreopsisThis variety of the common yellow coreopsis flower (its scientific name is Coreopsis tinctoria) produces a deep yellow shade when used for dyeing without any additional chemicals. Dyer's coreopsis grows wild in many places in North America and is easy to grow at home. You can also use the plants (without the flowers) to create a greenish-brown shade. You will need the same weight of flowers or plants as the weight of the fibers you plan to dye.EucalyptusThere are many types of eucalyptus, and each provides a different result when dyeing. However, many eucalyptus varieties produce a lovely bright orange on fibers when used for dyeing without additional chemicals. The smell of eucalyptus can be quite strong when it's boiled during the dyeing process, however, so it may be best to work with it outside on a portable hot plate unless you really enjoy its scent. You can also collect some eucalyptus bark, which makes a pale green when used for dyeing. An equal weight of leaves and fiber is needed for dyeing.

What is the compound name of FeCl36H2O?

It is a yellow-brown cyristaline compound used as a mordant in dyeing and as an etching compound.

What color is a whattle flower?

Whattle (Acacia so. ) flowers are yellow. There is some variation in the brightness of the flowers between whattle species. Some species have quite bright yellow flowers, whereas others have pale yellow flowers. Some species have very pale flowers which appear to be white, but the most common colour is yellow.

Dr. proctor is conducting an experiment to see if hummingbirds will visit red flowers more or less often than they visit yellow ones. What will be his hypothesis?

Hummingbirds will visit red flowers and yellow flowers with the same frequency.