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Q: What is a positive reason for not having freedom of speech in Libya?
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What are the positive and negative effects of democracy?

freedom of speech and equality is spread.

What did voltaire believe?

Voltaire believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious beliefs, and freedom of speech.

Which of these is a reason for protecting freedom of speech in a democratic society?

The freedom of speech is important to protect it because if we dont we could lose are prvalge to have such freedom as we do

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Having sexual relations

What age does freedom of speech begin?

Freedom of speech applies to all ages, although parents have the responsibility of, and authority to, governing the speech of their children, within reason, as they see fit.

Where does the freedom of speech come from?

AnswerCame from the 1st amendment in the Constituion or The Bill of Rightsanswer from: Bianca from Valdosta,GAWe have the freedom of speech to speak o the truth and only the truth. Yes it does come from the First Amendment, but what is the main reason for it. Just let me say that this freedom is a great freedom.

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Is virtual freedom of speech the same of freedom of speech in other media outlets

Do Germans have freedom of speech?

Yes they do have freedom of speech.

Five freedoms in the first amendment?

the 5 freedoms are freedom of press. freedom of speech. freedom of religion. freedom of Assembly and freedom of petition

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After the abolition of censorship people had freedom for speech , expression and feelings

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freedom of speech

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What state don't have freedom of speech