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Adult Sperm whales are too large to be attacked or killed by any animal. However the killer whale or Orca as they are more commonly known is known to prey upon youngsters and stray calf's. No animal is large enough to attack and kill a full grown sperm whale.

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Which whale is the top predator orca or sperm whale?


Who is the predator of the giant squid?

The sperm whale.

What is the largest whale that has teeth?

the sperm whale is the largest toothed whale.

What is the only known Predator of the Giant Squid?

sperm whale

What is the most powerful predator in the world?

There are two powerful predators 1.Sperm Whale, 2.Killer Whale

What is the sperm whales predators?

Yes. Their name is, actually, reversed, as they are "whale killers", known to separate calves from the pod & hold it underwater until it drowns. Then they eat it. They are the world's oceans top predator, even as humans are the world's land top predator.

Is a baleen whale a carnivore?

No. The baleen whale eats plankton and krill, a tiny shrimp. The top predator would be the toothed sperm whale, or the killer whale (which hunts in packs), or the great white shark.

What are giant squids enemeies?

Enemies of the giant squid, include other squid, and their main predator the Sperm whale.

Is a baleen whale a top carnivore?

No. The baleen whale eats plankton and krill, a tiny shrimp. The top predator would be the toothed sperm whale, or the killer whale (which hunts in packs), or the great white shark.

What is a giant squids predator?

Killer Whales,humpback whales,sperm Whales And I Think Blue Whales Too.

Does a colossal squid fight sperm whales?

To save themselves. Colossal Squids are one of the prey species that Sperm Whales feed on. It is natural for any prey species to try to protect itself when it is attacked by a predator. So, when a sperm whale attacks a colossal squid it tries to attack the sperm whale to save its life.

What whale dives to the deppest part of the ocean?

Sperm Whale.