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An octagonal prism.

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Q: What is a prism with a base shaped like an octagon called?
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What is a hexagonal prism's base called?

A hexagonal prism's base is called a hexagonal base. The names of prisms are given according to the shape of their bases. A hexagonal prism has a base that is shaped like a hexagon. Similarly, a pentagonal prism has a pentagonal base.

How do you find surface area and volume of an octagonal prism?

If the octagon at the base is regular, the side of the octagon is s and the height of the prism is h, the area of each octagonal base (Ab) is Ab = 2(√2 +1) s2 The perimeter of the octagon is P = 8s Then the surface area of the prism is As = 2 Ab + Ph The volume of the prism is V = Ab h

Volume of trapezoidal prism?

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply the base, width, and height. If the prism is irregularly shaped, multiply the base and the height.

How is the number of vertices for a prism related to the name of the prism?

Divide the number of vertices by 3. Find the name of the polygon with that many sides. The prism has that polygon as a base. For example, a prism with 24 vertices. Divide by 3 so that is 8. An 8 sided polygon is an octagon. The name is an octagon-based prism.

What shape has 2 base 8 faces 24 edges and 16 vertices?

An octagon based prism.

What is a Base with 8 equal sides are called?

An octagon.

The faces of a prism are called?

A Base!

The figure formed by the intersection of a solid with a plane parallel to the base of the solid is congruent to the base if the solid is?

A prism. A prism is named for its base, eg a triangular prism has a triangle for the base. If the base is a circle, the circular prism is called a cylinder.

What is the formula for calculating the volume of an octagonal prism?

Calculating the volume (V) of an octagonal prism involves finding the area (A) of the octagon that is an end (or base), and then simply multiplying it by the length (L) of the prism. The area of an octagon with a side of length s is given by this formula: Aoctagon = 2 (1 + sqrt 2) s2 or about 4.8284 s2 If we take that and multiply it by the length of the prism, we should arrive at the volume thus: Voctagonal prism = L x Aoctagon

What is a 3-D octagon called?

A 3-dimensional shape with eight sides is an octahedron. If you would refer to a 3-dimensional octagon, just call it that, people will understand what you mean. Or maybe you mean an octagonal prism. That's an octagon, except it is extended into the third dimension by stretching it, so it has an octagonal base but the other sides are triangles all connecting at one point above the octagon.

What is the bottom of a rectangular prism called?

A base.

What are the main differences between a square prism and a square pyramid?

A square prism is shaped like a cubid. A square pyramid is a pyramid with a square base.