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Eye colour, hair colour, etc. Traits that cannot be assigned a straightforward number like height or number of fingers.

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11y ago

The ABO blood type variation is a qualitative trait in humans.

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Q: What is a qualitative trait in humans?
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How many alleles for one trait can an individual have?

Genotypes consist of two alleles for every trait. You inherit one allele from one parent, and another from the other parent.

Which trait most common in humans?

The dominant one

Is having honor a nessisary human trait?

No some humans seem to do without that trait.

What are some example of dominant and recessive traits in humans?

Dwarfism is a dominant trait in humans.

Is the eye of a common octopus a vestigial trait?

No! The eye of the octopus is a highly adaptive trait and better than the human eye because the nerves that go to the brain are not in the way of the retina as is the case in humans, A vestigial trait us a trait that is not used for it original purpose, such as the tail bone in humans.

Is skin an example of a polygenetic trait in humans?

Skin color.

Humanism was an intellectual movement that emphasized what trait of humans?

Their rationality

Is the drive to conquer anihiliate competition rule others and subjugate both environment and others a human or animal quality?

It is an animal trait and as humans are animals it is also a human trait. Only those who have a higher opinion of humans would try to deny the trait.

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Do humans great apes and dolphins share a trait?

there all mammals

What does human trait mean?

A pattern of behaviour that some humans follow.