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Other leopard seals. The leopard seal is one of only a few species of cannibalistic mammals in the world, along with dogs, rats, and some monkeys and primates.

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12y ago

Meat is really a leopard seal's main food. There's penguins, krill, fish, squid, crustaceans and other seals. There is no main food.

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Q: What is a seal leopards main food?
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What type of home does the Leopard seal have?

Sea Leopards live in the sea.

Where do snow leopards fit in the food chain and food web?

Snow leopards are carnivores at the top of the food chain and food web

Why leopards are important?

Leopards are important because they keep the food chain in balance. If leopards were to disappear their food source would thrive and cause great chaos.

Where are the leopards in the food chain?

Leopards are a Top Predator.

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How fast can a leopard seal swim?

Yes, the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) can swim. In fact most leopards can and will swim mainly searching for food or to cool off.

What animals feed on leopards?

Leopards are at the top of the food chain, nothing uses them for food. However Lion will attack a leopard because it sees them as rivals for food.

Where are snow leopards in the food web?

they are at the top of the food chain.