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i skipped to school

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Q: What is a sentence for skipped?
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How do you use the word skipped in a sentence?

those two girls skipped first period to go to the mall.

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When the dealer skipped a player, the hand was called a misdeal.

What part of speech is a simple predicate?

Simple predicate means what caused the problem like "A major oil spill polluted the coast of Alaska." What is the simple predicate? Spill.

How can one place happily into a sentence?

The two girls skipped happily through a field of flowers.

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They skipped jubilantly down the hall after being given the test results.

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word spirited?

The joyful and spirited girl skipped across the garden.

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Autumn was very nimble as she skipped from stone to stone across the stream without slipping once.

Create a sentence with word ill-bred?

Olivia ,an ill-bred girl , was very rude when she skipped me in line.

Can you write a sentence using the word happily?

She happily skipped off to join her friends. The story ended happily for the trio.

What is a sentence for the word relieved?

I felt relieved when my teacher skipped me.

Does this sentence have a verb phrase I shall be all that I am and more?

No, because you are not doing something physically. Verb: I skipped down to the shops.

How can you use recession in a sentence?

Althought the Diabetes skipped many generations in my family, it was apparently a recessive trait because the newborn was diagnosed with the disease.