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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by delusions, agitation, and disorganized speech and thinking. It is classified as a "thought disorder".

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Q: What is a simple definition of the condition 'schizophrenia'?
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Related questions

What part of the brain are associated to schizophrenia?

None, because schizophrenia is a condition determined by checklists and psychiatrists. It is not a condition derived from physical brain damage.

Why is schizophrenia called DID?

It's not. DID is an acronym for Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is a very different condition from schizophrenia.

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Is schizophrenia terminal?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. It is not a condition that causes any sort of physical sickness that would lead to death.

Do people with schizophrenia remember what they do if they have an psychotic episode?

Typically yes, but it varies from person to person and condition to condition (schizophrenia isn't actually just one disorder--it's a spectrum of disorders).

Are there other names for schizophrenia?

At one point, schizophrenia was called "dementia praecox". Some people may say that "multiple personality disorder", "split personality", or "dissociative identity disorder" are other names for schizophrenia. However, the condition that these names describe is not the same as schizophrenia.

Is schizophrenia a disease?

Schizophrenia is classified as a disorder by the DSM-IV-TR. This means that it is an abnormality in function. It may or may not be a disease depending on your definition of disease.

What is the definition of substandard working conditions?

A "substandard working condition" is defined as a working condition that is "sub" or "below" (a given) standard. Simple. The applied definition would be, in most cases, too subjective to define in absolute terms.

What type of schizophrenia is an inappropriate affective behavior?

This would probably be hebephrenic schizophrenia (also known as disorganized schizophrenia). However, all types of schizophrenia by definition have inappropriate affect. Hebephrenia is simply the most obvious and severe form that is based on an affective disorder.

What is the definition of disorganised schizophrenia?

Disorganized schizophrenia refers to a subtype of schizophrenia in which the patient suffers disorganized thought process, behavior, and emotions. Certain criteria have to be met according to the DSM (diagnositc and statistic manual for mental disorders).

Do mushrooms grow on your fingers?

Yes. Its a rare condition known commonly as schizophrenia

Is schizophrenia a dangerous condition?

yes , In worst case it will lead to suicide of the person suffering from it