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claustrophobia- the fear of being in an enclosed space.

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Q: What is a small enclosed space or room called?
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This is a sack like structure surrounding the heart. It gives the heart a lot of room to beat. As the heart beats it needs room to actually wring all the blood it can with each beat. Any thing that slows this down (like fluid in the space) can cause heart failure or even death.

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A space heater.

Do they need a big space or small space?

yes because they need some room for their babies.

What is a small room called?


Is a porch a room?

A room for taxation is an enclosed and heated area of a home.

What is a sentence for the word enclose?

I enclosed him in the room.

What can a study room be called?

A study room can be called a study space, study area, or a quiet room for reading and learning.

Does a room need to have 3 walls to be considered a room?

Any area with just two straight edges can only be equivalent to an angle - no matter how small or large that angle is. A third edge is needed to create a closed space. Compare the difference between an angle, with two straight lines, and an enclosed triangle, with three straight lines.

Should I get a platform bed or a day bed for a small room?

A daybed is better for a small room. It will use less space. Plus the bed can have dual functionality.