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two or more atoms bonded together create a molecule

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Is called molecules

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Q: What is a substance that is formed from two or more types of atoms?
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Is compound a substance in which the atoms are alike but different from the atoms of other elements?

Compound or substance: a molecule containing two or more types of chemical elements.

What is best defined as substance made of two or more different types of atoms chemically combined?

a compound

Formed when two or more substances come together but dont combine to form a new substance?

cousao atoms

What types of atoms always form ionic bonds?

(for u dirty little apex users) 2 atoms that have very different electronegativities

What makes a substance a salt?

salt is mde of sodium and chloride Table salt is NaCl, which is sodium chloride. There are many other types of salt though.

What is formed when two or more atom combine chemically?

As long as the two atoms (assuming you mean different types of atoms) combine chemically rather than physically, a compound is formed. For example H2O, or water. If they had combined physically, the resulting substance would be a mixture.


Blank has different properties from the elements that formed it, is a pure substance made of 2 or more elements and can be represented by a chemical formula

What are elements andcompounds?

An element is a substance that has only one type of atom in (e.g. Carbon atoms). A chemical compound is a substance that has two or more types of atom in (e.g. Carbon and Zinc atoms). An example of a compound would be Carbon Dioxide, which has two types of atom in a molecule: Carbon and Oxygen.

Why isn't aluminum a compound?

Aluminium (aluminum) is not a compound because it consists of only aluminium atoms and no others. In order to be a compound, a substance must consist of two or more types of atoms (two or more elements).

Smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms?

The smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms is a molecule.

What is the difference between element compound mixture?

A mixture is a substance composed of two or more components physically combined. An element is a pure substance composed of one kind of atom. A compound is a pure substance formed when atoms of two or more elements chemically combine.

What are tha charactiristics of mixture?

They are not pure substance and formed by mixing two or more substances physically These do not contain same type atoms or molecules rather they contain more than one types of atoms or molecules They can be separated by physical methods They do not have fixed melting or boiling point They can be homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture It has variable composition Its properties are similar to its components