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Clean, untouched, unadulterated.

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Q: What is a synonym for pure?
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What is a synonym for spiritual?

pure, religious, holy

What s a synonym for virtuous?

pure. vestal. virginal.

What is a synonym for clean?

spotless, sanitary, pure, sterilized.

What is the synonym and antonm for the word fouled?

Synonym: dirty, dirtied, polluted, soiled, filthy Antonym: pure, clean

What is another word for pure?

Inocorruptis means uncorrupted, thus pure. Sanctimonia I believe is also an accepted term for purity, not to be confused with just saying pure. puto puto

What is a four letter word for white?

The word "pure" is a synonym of white in certain usages.

What is the synonym of the word pure?

natural, fair, clear, clean, unmixed, transparent, uncontaminated, perfect, complete

What is the synanym for continent?

if your talking about land then i am not sure but if your talking about chasteness or pureness then a synonym for continent could be "chaste" or "pure".

What is the synonym of not being corrupt?

Some synonyms are: decent, honest, honorable, principled, pure, trustworthy, truthful, uncorrupt, upright

What is the synonym of devotion?

attachment, love, fondness, affection, commitment

Why is the bonding in Oxygen molecules called pure covalent and the bonding in CO called polar covalent?

"Pure Covalent" is a synonym for "nonpolar covalent bonding". That means that each atom pulls equally on the electrons and doesn't produce a permanent dipole moment.

Is clean water the same as pure water?

No. Clean water is water that is free of pollutants and microorganisms, but still may contain minerals and other trace elements.Pure water is H20 and nothing more.However, it is not uncommon for some to use pure water as a synonym of clean water.