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A tourniquet is a method of stopping bleeding that stops all blood flow.
Tourniquets are what you are looking for.

A tourniquet is a constricting or compressing device used to control venous and arterial circulation to an extremity for a period of time. Pressure is applied circumferentially upon the skin and underlying tissues of a limb; this pressure is transferred to the walls of vessels, causing them to become temporarily occluded.
A tourniquet.
tourniquet - something that is tied around a limb to stop severe bleeding.

a tourniquet

You are describing a tourniquet. Once a mainstay of every first aid course, tourniquet is now, as you say, used only as an absolute last resort. If a wound is deep enough to have cut a major artery (the wound is literally spurting jets of blood) a tourniquet is the way to go, yes. But for even a deep wound where there is no "spurting" blood, soft pack pressure compress is the preferred method.
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Q: What is a technique used to stop bleeding that is very dangerous since it stops all flow of blood?
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There are no bugs that help to stop bleeding. There are parasites, that are bugs, that feed off of blood although there is no benefit to humans. Leeches have been used since the 1800s to help stop bleeding. The leeches are used to drink excess blood until a vein is able to repair itself to stop bleeding.

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There are no bugs that help to stop bleeding. There are parasites, that are bugs, that feed off of blood although there is no benefit to humans. Leeches have been used since the 1800s to help stop bleeding. The leeches are used to drink excess blood until a vein is able to repair itself to stop bleeding.

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Arterial bleeding since this is pumping blood out in huge amounts and can cause death in a few minutes. Then veins since viens will not bleed out unless artery is working properly.

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Your dog gave birth a week ago and she is still bleeding?

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Can you continue fasting even if there is blood in your stools?

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