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Q: What is a transmitter in the sympathetic branch?
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A person is walking through a park. A branch from a tree falls nearly hitting her. Her heartbeat speeds up. Which part of the nervous system was responsible for this?

Sympathetic Nervous System

What neurotransmitter is used by most postganglionic sympathetic neurons?

At the effector end (nerve to effector organ junction) the transmitter is Nor Adrenaline. However, at the nerve-nerve junctions (ganglions) the transmitter is Acetyl Choline.

What are the major components in the Autonomic nervous system?

The basic components of the ANS are the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches. The sympathetic branch, or SNS, is responsible for the flight-or-fight response and the parasympathetic, or PNS, is called the rest-and-digest system.parasympathethic and sympathetic nervous system

What is flow transmitter?

pressure transmitter

When blood pressure falls which branch of the autonomic nervous system will become active?

Low blood pressure is an abnormal, and dangerous condition that triggers the bodies "fight or flight" reaction. This is regulated by the sympathetic branch of the nervous system.

What is the difference between transmitter and smart transmitter?

They are at different levels. The transmitter will help you to get started by the smart transmitter will help you with more advanced problems.

A person is walking through a park. A branch from a tree falls nearly hitting him. His heartbeat speeds up. Which part of the nervous system was responsible for this?

sympathetic- apex

What is the comparative for sympathetic?

more sympathetic

Where is the transmitter?

transmitter is a device that creates the message that is to be transmitted.

What is the primary transmitter of your culture?

the primary CNS transmitter is

Does the sympathetic or parasympathetic secrete norepinephrine?


What came first radio or radio transmitter?

radio transmitter