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is a Limerick, I think.

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Q: What is a type of poem that usually has 5 lines and are light hearted and humorous?
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What does limerick mean?

A limerick is a type of humorous or nonsense poem consisting of five lines. It has a distinctive rhythm and rhyme scheme (AABBA), often containing puns and wordplay. Limericks are typically light-hearted and whimsical in nature.

What a limerick is usually about?

A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines that often focuses on a specific person or character, often with a witty or nonsensical punchline. Common themes include funny situations, quirky individuals, or humorous observations.

A is a humorous poem with a distinctive five line structure?

Limericks are funny and humorous poems that are made up of five lines. They have a very distinctive pattern and rhythm pattern.

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The traction light usually looks like squiggly lines, as if a car were sliding. The light can vary some between vehicle brands.

Which of these is defined as a humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA in which lines three and four have two feet and lines one two and five have three feet?


A humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA in which lines three and four have two feet and lines one two and five have three feet?

A limerick .

What is type of poetry often humorous which originated in Ireland is?

Limerick poetry is a type of poetry that is often humorous and has a specific rhyming pattern (AABBA). It originated in Ireland and typically consists of five lines with a fun or witty theme.

When lines intersect in one place they are what?

Intersecting. Usually, if there are three or more lines, they are said to be concurrent.Intersecting. Usually, if there are three or more lines, they are said to be concurrent.Intersecting. Usually, if there are three or more lines, they are said to be concurrent.Intersecting. Usually, if there are three or more lines, they are said to be concurrent.

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Lines of least travel time.

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Light does not travel further along power lines. What phenomenon are you describing?

What is a type of limerick?

A poem with 5 lines with a rhyme scheme of A A B B A

What form of poetry is defined as humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA?

The form of poetry that fits this description is a limerick. Limericks are typically constructed with five lines, with a distinctive meter and rhyme scheme of AABBA. They often feature witty or humorous content.