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Q: What is a widely patent left sided aortic arch?
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The aortic arch arches to where as it emerges from the heart?

Is a right sided aortic arch normal?

What is tortuous aortic arch?

It is an aortic arch with an aneurysm.

What is tortuous arch?

It is an aortic arch with an aneurysm.

Is the aortic arch closer to the base or apex of the heart?

The aortic arch is closer to the base of the heart.

Is a right aortic arch dangerous in a child?

An aortic arch that is right sided (extremely rare defect) causes absolutely nothing wrong by itself. It can only cause problems to a child in the presence of other abnormalities. If you believe that your children or if your child, have a right aortic arch then consult with a physician incase if you have any other abnormalities as well, otherwise you should be absolutely fine if its by itself.

What cavity is the aortic arch in?

The thoracic cavity.

Trace blood from aortic arch to left radial artery?

aortic arch - subclavian artery - axillary artery - brachial artery - left radial artery

The aortic arch arches to what as it emerges from the heart?


What is the branch of the aortic arch?

left subclavian artery

Which pathway correctly traces blood as it travels from the aortic arch to the left arm?

Aortic arch ~>left subclavian artery ~> axillary artery ~> brachial artery ( and its profunda).

What are the left branch off the aortic arch?

The three branches off the aortic arch arethe brachiocephalic arteryleft common carotid Arteryleft subclavian Artery.

Do Sympathetic nerve fibers penetrate the aortic arch?

No. The myocardium.