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We might call it a "voice," but idiolect is the right word for anyone's unique use of language.

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Q: What is a writer's unique use of language?
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The unique way in which an author puts thoughts into words is called his or her writing style. This includes the author's use of language, sentence structure, tone, and overall voice, which helps to distinguish their work from that of other writers.

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emoive language can obscure the message. it reflect the idea of the writer by using the language of persuade that it make the people more emotional; shifting the feeling of the person that is listening or reading

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Writers use slang because real people use it.

What can prose writers use?

Prose writers can use literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, and figurative language to enhance the depth and meaning of their writing. They can also experiment with different narrative voices, points of view, and structures to create unique and engaging storytelling experiences for readers. Additionally, prose writers can draw inspiration from their own life experiences, observations, and emotions to bring authenticity and depth to their work.

Effective writers use language at all levels but rely on details to give their stories a specific setting or to do things like suggest symbolism?

Yes, effective writers use language at various levels to create a vivid and engaging story. Details help to establish a specific setting, evoke emotions, and convey symbolic meaning to the reader. By carefully selecting and incorporating these details, writers can enhance the depth and impact of their storytelling.