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At its peak it was a radical democracy - that is the citizens met in fortnightly assembly, considering and deciding on all matters of government. The Council implemented these decisions. This is far more democratic than today's representative democracy where elected representatives form a parliament and vote how they or their party want, not necessarily the way their electors want.

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7y ago
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7y ago

The word democracy comes from two Greek words meaning People Power. In its radical form it was a fortnightly assembly of all the (male) citizens where they considered and decided on matters put before them and raised by them. The Council of 500 carried out the Assembly's decisions and handled daily problems between meetings. The law courts, which were considered to be part of the political process, had juries of 500, with no judges or lawyers to interfere; they voted on cases brought before them and awarded punishments or payments to be made.
The Council and other office bearers were chosen by lot from the citizens, except for the 10 generals who were elected one from each tribe. They were too smart to be led in war by someone selected by lot, and usually when the Assembly made a significant decision, it had a rider 'the general to implement' even though it might be a non-military matter.

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9y ago

Athenian Democracy was all about "power" and who ruled. Hope this helped!

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10y ago

All adults could vote in legislative assemblies

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