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There is no coherent definition of an Islamic Republic since Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are all considered Islamic Republics and have widely various systems of government.

The definition that most people use when they say "Islamic Republic" is the Iranian style of government. It has an elected house of congress made of laypersons and a lay president. However, it has a powerful judiciary made of Islamic Scholars who have a veto over all laws, appointments, and candidate selection for the congress and the president.

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God is top authority and people can have elections but limited to laws of Islam.

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12y ago

Nothing is called Islam republic. Islam is a religion. Refer to queation below.

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In the name of Allah most gratious most mercifull, The word Islam comes from the root word salam means peace, submision, or surrender, and who ever submit his will to Godalmighty he will be called Muslim , or u can call him follower of Islam , and this is chosen by Godallmighty him self.