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put in to water to attract fish

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Q: What is an aboriginal fish hook made from?
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Related questions

What are aboriginal fishhooks made out of?

wood and string

How did aboriginal catch fish?

With spears

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What is a hook for landing fish?

A large hook mounted on a pole and used for landing fish is called a gaff.

Would hook be a noun?

"hook" could be a noun or verb. If it is talking about the item, "fish hook" then yes, it's a noun. If it's telling what to do, "hook that fish on the stick" then it's a verb.

Who made aboriginal dot paintings?

Aboriginal people

What does the hook do?

Catches fish.

What are aboriginal fishooks used for?

it is used for caching fish

Does it hurt when you hook a fish?

Does not hurt me one bit. As a matter of fact, I feel prettyexcited when I do manage to hook a fish.

How an aboriginal digging stick is made?

aboriginal digging sticks a made by of bush sticks

What hooks the fish?

There are two main types of hook - the J hook and the circle hook. J hooks are used by directly driving the hook through the bait and into the fish with a strong upward tug. The hook can end up anywhere from the stomach of the fish to the jaw or be snagged on the exterior of the fish. Circle hooks are swallowed by the fish and are set by winding the line tight. The shape of the hook causes the point to swing around the jaw. Typically, 95% of the hook sets are in the fish's jaw. This allows the fish to be released relatively unharmed. Circle hooks are used very successfully in deep water fishing.

Why dont fish see the hook?

well the bait on the hook covers it.