

What is an adavantage of burying waste in landfill sites?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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if you're going to bury a murdered baby in the landfill site then it will be really hard for the cops to find it

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Q: What is an adavantage of burying waste in landfill sites?
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What are the advantages to burying the waste in landfill sites?


What are the advantages burying waste in landfill sites?

it dosnt smell

What are the problemes with burying waste in landfill sites?

It can damage our environment. Also will damage the underground animals!

What are the disadvantages of burying waste in landfill sites?

it will cause pollution and it will kill under ground animals

What are the good of burying waste in landfill sites?

energy can be converted by the conversion of landfilled gas and it kills animals underground

What the problems with burying waste in the landfill sites?

you will kill under ground animals! So there is such things as locus!Gears of war was right!

What are the disadvantages of waste landfill sites?

everything lol

What are the advantages of burying waste in land fill sites?

what are the aswers

What are advantages of burying waste in land fill sites?

what are the aswers

Why waste should minimized?

General household and industrial waste tends to be bulky. Landfill sites are rapidly filling up, with new sites becoming scarce. By recycling and reducing the amount sent to a landfill, it is better for the environment - which is better for us, too!

How do you use biogas in a sentence?

biogas from landfill waste has been harnessed in sites around in world

Wht is landfill?

a place to dispose of refuse and other waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil, especially as a method of filling in or extending usable land.waste material used to reclaim area filled in by landfill. plural noun: landfills