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Just like the name implies, endothermic means that an animal creates its own body heat from within. Exothermic animals, on the other hand, must derive their body heat from outside sources. A good example of such a creature would be a lizard sitting on a hot rock.

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12y ago

Warm-blooded and cold-blooded refers to animals that produce their own body heat and do not produce their own body heat, respectively.

On a micro biologic level, certain mitochondria within all warmblooded animals are 'defective', in a manner of speaking, in that one of the methods normal mitochondria store energy is by creating a chemical charge across a membrane, and in these specific mitochondria, the membrane is porous. To move the chemicals across the membrane, the mitochondria expend energy, or ATP, which produces heat. Since the membrane is porous, and cannot hold a charge, the chemical pumps run constantly, using energy at a consistent rate, and producing heat.

Warm-blooded animals have these mitochondria, and thus produce their own body heat. Humans are one example. Cold-blooded animals do not have these mitochondria, or if they do, have them in such small amounts that they cannot heat the animal's body sufficiently. Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded, which is why they can often be found in warm spots, basking in the heat of the sun.

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16y ago

Chameleons, frogs, lizards & some butterflies/moths.

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Q: What is an animal whose body temperature changes with the environment?
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What do you callan animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment?


What do you call an Animal whose body temperature change with the temperature of the environment?


What is the difference between an ectotherm and an endothermic?

Ectotherm- an animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of its surrounding environment. Endotherm- an animal whose body temperature does not change with its surrounding environment. Ectotherms are animals like snakes and lizards that change their body temp with the ambient temperature. Endotherms are humans and other mammals like birds that keep there body temperature the same no matter what the climate is like. The process of homeostasis regulates our body temperature through negative feedback. For example, when our body temperature decreases due to the cold environment, we shiver to increase the body temperature. When the body temperature increases, we sweat to decrease the body temperature.

whose body temperature does not change much even when the temperature of the environment changes is called?

Animals whose body temperatures do not change much despite the temperature of the environment changing are called ectotherms. This ability allows some animals to live in harsh environments.

Can an animal be both cold and warm blooded IE can there be an animal whose body temperature is maintained homeotherm or changes in the environment poikilotherm depending on circumstances?

I'm not absolutely sure but i am pretty sure they can only be one. don't trust me though i might not be right.

What is an exampl of an ectotherm?

Any animal whose body temperature is regulated by it's environment (reptile, some fish, etc.)

What is the animal whose skin changes color?

Chameleons. (:

Is a mouse an endothermic or and ectotherm?

Ectothermic means its cold bloodedendothermic means that its warm bloodedOne trait that distinguishes the major groups of vertebrates from one another is the way in which they control their body temperature. Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles have body temperatures that are close to the temperature of their environment.2 Fish, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms. An ectotherm is an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat. Its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of the environment. For example, when a turtle is lying in the sun on a riverbank, it has a higher body temperature than when it is swimming in a cool river. Ectotherms are sometimes called "cold-blooded," but that is misleading. The blood of ectotherms is often quite warm.3 In contrast to the turtle, a beaver would have the same body temperature whether it was in cool water or on warm land. The beaver is an endotherm. An endotherm is an animal whose body controls and regulates its temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces. An endotherm's body temperature usually does not change much, even when the temperature of its environment changes. Mammals and birds are endotherms. They have a stable body temperature that is typically much warmer than their environment. Endotherms are often called "warm-blooded" animals.

What is a hot glass rod?

It is a cylindrical piece of glass whose temperature is higher than that of its environment.

What animals are both endotherms and ectotherms?

ectotherms, endotherms, warm-blooded, artery, internal, cold-blooded, shivers, calories, maintain, riverbank, environment, contrast, such, control, beaver, shiveringOne trait that distinguishes the major groups of vertebrates from one another is the way in which they control their body temperature. Most fish, amphibians, and reptiles have body temperatures that are close to the temperature of their environment.2 Fish, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms. An ectotherm is an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat. Its body temperature changes depending on the temperature of the environment. For example, when a turtle is lying in the sun on a riverbank, it has a higher body temperature than when it is swimming in a cool river. Ectotherms are sometimes called "cold-blooded," but that is misleading. The blood of ectotherms is often quite warm.3 In contrast to the turtle, a beaver would have the same body temperature whether it was in cool water or on warm land. The beaver is an endotherm. An endotherm is an animal whose body controls and regulates its temperature by controlling the internal heat it produces. An endotherm's body temperature usually does not change much, even when the temperature of its environment changes. Mammals and birds are endotherms. They have a stable body temperature that is typically much warmer than their environment. Endotherms are often called "warm-blooded" animals.

Name the animal whose body temperature remains constant during all seasons?

Any cold blooded animal such as birds

Whose Raffesia on Animal Crossing?

Not a person. A big flower. A bad sign. Decreases environment state.