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Listen to the teen first, possible talk to both parties. If the abuse continues both should separate.

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Q: What is an appropriate response to a teen seeking help from an abusive relationship?
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The chances are pretty good, but if he is willing to get help and is activley seeking it, he should be able to stop being abusive. It is up to you if you are willing to stick it out and see if he does stop. You will both probably need some counseling; separate and couples. The chances are high. See the statistics - the majority of abusers abuse both spouse and children. Unless you know for sure he's seeking counseling (the only way to help control his abusive behavior) then don't buy it! Don't marry someone who is abusive and expect to have children with them because if they aren't getting counseling then their chances of ever having a normal relationship are nil! Be part of his so-called "changing" and try to attend any group therapy you can with him if it's available to be sure he is actively trying to get better. The percentages of abusive people getting better is not as high as some people would have you believe. Abusers often think it's other people's faults and if they are faced by their mate with the fact they will leave if the abuse doesn't stop the abuser will lie, promise the sun, moon and stars, but do little to help themselves.

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