

What is an arval?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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8y ago

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An arval is a funeral feast or wake at which bread and ale was served, or the bread and ale served at such a wake.

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Q: What is an arval?
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 17 words with the pattern AR-A-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter A and 2nd letter R and 4th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: arbas aread areae areal arear areas argal argan arhat arias arnas arpas arrah arras array artal arval

How many words can you make from the word carnival?

3-letter wordsaal, ail, ain, air, ala, ana, ani, arc, ava, can, car, lac, lar, lav, lin, nil, ran, ria, rin, vac, van, var, via, vin4-letter wordsairn, alan, alar, anal, anil, aria, aril, cain, carl, carn, clan, laic, lain, lair, lari, lava, liar, lira, nail, narc, raia, rail, rain, rani, rial, vail, vain, vair, vara, vial, vina, virl5-letter wordsacari, anvil, arval, avail, avian, cairn, canal, cavil, clavi, craal, lanai, larva, liana, linac, naira, naric, naval, navar, nival, ravin, rival, varia, varna, vicar, vinal, vinca, viral6-letter wordsacinar, arnica, carina, carlin, carnal, caviar, crania, narial, racial7-letter wordscarinal, cranial8-letter wordscarnival

What rhymes with festivals?

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What words can be made of these letters l a r j a k r s v a e?

2-letter wordsaa, ae, al, ar, as, el, er, es, ka, la, re3-letter wordsaal, aas, ala, ale, als, are, ark, ars, ask, ava, ave, ear, elk, els, era, err, ers, jar, kae, kas, kea, kev, lar, las, lav, lea, lek, lev, raj, ras, res, rev, sae, sal, sea, sel, ser, ska, var, vas4-letter wordsaals, ajar, alae, alar, alas, ales, arak, area, ares, arks, asea, aver, aves, earl, ears, elks, eras, errs, jake, jarl, jars, java, jerk, kaas, kaes, kale, kava, keas, kvas, lake, lark, lars, lase, lava, lave, lavs, leak, lear, leas, leks, leva, raja, rake, rale, rare, rase, rave, real, rear, revs, sake, sale, sark, save, seal, sear, sera, vale, vara, vars, vasa, vase, veal, vela, vera5-letter wordsakela, araks, areal, areas, arles, arras, arval, asker, avers, earls, eskar, jakes, jarls, javas, jerks, kales, kavas, kraal, laker, lakes, lares, larks, larva, laser, lavas, laver, laves, leaks, lears, rajas, rajes, raker, rakes, rales, rares, raser, ravel, raver, raves, reals, rears, saker, salve, saver, selva, seral, slake, slave, vales, valse, varas, vasal, veals, velar6-letter wordsakelas, alaska, kraals, lakers, larker, larvae, larvas, lavers, lekvar, rakers, ravels, ravers, salver, serval, slaker, slaver, svaraj, velars, versal7-letter wordslarkers, lekvars191 words found.