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its called an isotope c:

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Q: What is an electron emitted from an atom into two nuclei with smaller masses is?
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What can be emmited from radioactive decay?

Many particles can be emitted from radioactive decay. We have Internal Conversion in which a nucleus transfers the energy to an electron which then releases it. There is also Isometric Transition which is basically the gamma ray (photon). There is the decay in which a nucleon is emitted. In this scenario we can have an alpha decay (in which an alpha particle decays), a proton emission, a neutron emission, double proton emission (two protons are emitted), spontaneous fission (the nucleus brakes down into two smaller nuclei and/or other particles) and we have the cluster decay (where the nucleus emits a smaller nucleus). There is the beta decay too. There is the Beta decay (electron and electron antineutrino are emitted), positron emission (a positron and an electron neutrino are emitted), electron capture (an electron is captured by the nucleus and a neutrino is emitted), bound state beta decay (the nucleus decays to an electron and an antineutrino but here the electron is not emitted since it is captured into a K-shell), double beta decay (two electrons and two antineutrinos are emitted), double electron capture (the nucleus absorbs two electrons and emits two neutrinos), electron capture with positron emission (an electron is absorbed and a positron is emitted along with two neutrinos), and double positron emission (in which the nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrons).

What is the reaction of nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is the process of merging nuclei with smaller masses into a nucleus with a larger mass.

How is a fission chain-reaction similar to what happens when a row of dominoes falls?

In nuclear fission an electron is fired at the nuclei of a large atom, splitting it in two upon collision. From this split, the 2 halves of the nucleus are now new nuclei and 2 electrons are also emitted which collide with 2 new nuclei, and so on as more nuclei are split and produce more electrons for more splits.

What are the process in which nuclei with small masses are combined to form a nucleus with a larger mass?

Combining the nuclei of atoms is called Nuclear Fusion. A reaction that is found in stars.

Splitting large Nuclei into smaller ones is defined as what?

Nuclear fission is defined as splitting large nuclei into smaller ones.

How does electron differ from a neutro?

An electron bears a negative charge, a neutron has no charge.A neutron is about 2,000 times as massive as an electron.Neutrons exist in atomic nuclei, electrons orbit nuclei.

What is the splitting of a nucleus into smaller nuclei?


What is fision?

fission- is a process in which the nuclei of radioactive atoms are split in to two or more smaller nuclei.

What nuclear reaction happens when two small nuclei?

they combine to small nuclei to smaller unit

What nonmobile nuclei are surrounded by a sea of mobile electron?

Conduction Band

What cause different isotopes to have different atomic masses?

Different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

Why is radiation referred to as ionizing radiation?

Radioactivity occurs with the breakdown r decay of certain unstable atomic nuclei. This nuclear radiation is dangerous because it has a lot of energy-on the order of millions of electron volts per emitted particle. Because chemical bonds take about 3-4 electron volts to break, this energy is enough to break apart ordinarily stable molecules into smaller, highly reactive fragments-most of which are ions. Thus, nuclear radiation gets the name ionizing radiation.