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Big hairy balls in yo mouf fool!

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Q: What is an example of a complex sentence with the word combination in it?
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What is an example of a complex sentence with the word otherwise in it?

We need to figure out the combination to this safe, otherwise the key to Atlantis will be hidden forever.

What is an example of a complex sentence containing the word fecund?

A complex sentence is where u use a main clause and a subordinate clause example It was raining outside the trampoline was getting wer

Use the word complex in a sentence?

An example of a complex is the design of a spider web.

How do you make a complex sentence with the word provoke?

He was provoked by the fact that he failed in exam. It is example of sentence using provoke.

What is an example of a complex sentence with the word which in it?

Danny's frog likes to jump to music, which makes Danny laugh

Simple sentence with a word complex?

That is a complex problem.

Is the sentence Most plants grow best when they are irrigated with fresh water a simple sentence or complex sentencw?

You have a complex sentence. Best is the last word of a complete sentence. When is an adverb. It is followed by the word They. The word They starts a complete sentence. Thus, the word when makes the second sentence subordinate to the first sentence. That makes it complex.

How do you use fascinate in a complex sentence?

Fascinate is a word that describes something mesmerizing. An example of the word fascinate in a complex sentence might be, " The flamethrower and acrobats managed to fascinate the crowd, redirecting their attention from the crisis with the clowns that was going on next door."

How do you you use deleterious in complex sentence?

He was in a deleterious state of mind while his exams. This is an example using the word deleterious.

How do you put antemeridian in a complex sentence?

She had her breakfast as late as ante-meridian. This is an example using the word ante-meridian.

How can the word complex be used in a sentence?

I was very complex with my writing.

What's a complex sentence for the word wasn't?

i need a sentence that have the word unborn