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My dog ran away from home and i don't know when he coming back to the house.

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14y ago

the dog is running and he saw the cat and kept running then he found the rabbit by the side of the road and started to chase it.

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Q: What is an example of a run on sentence?
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Is run a sentence?

Yes. For example, "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" The example has an exclamation point at the end of the one-word sentence, "Run!"

What is an example of a sentence using the word autonomy?

Example sentence - Contrary to what she believed, the home was not run with autonomy.

What is an example of a sentence with Drapetomania?

the intense desire to run away from home

What is an example of a compound noun in a sentence?

The campground was run by monks.I love pancakes.

Is this an example of run on sentences Because he's always cracking jokes people call him Jester?

The given sentence is not an example of a run-on sentence because it contains only one independent clause. The sentence would be properly punctuated if a comma were added after "jokes".

How do you make a sentence with pitcher?

Example sentence - The pitcher of milk fell from my hands when I saw the mouse run across the the floor.

How is a comma splice different from a run-on sentence?

A comma splice consists of independent clauses separated by only a comma; a run-on sentence consists of independent clauses one directly following another, not separated by a conjunction or punctuation. Comma splice example: The flowers were pretty, I didn't pick them. Run-on sentence example: The flowers were pretty I didn't pick them.

Can a single word be a sentence?

Yes, but it really only works with verbs. For example... "Run!" "Stop!"

Is the sentence You and I and the whole team will go a run-on sentence?

No. It has a compound subject, but it expresses a single thought. A run-on example would be "You and I and the whole team will go the bus will take us there." You could place a semicolon before "the bus will take us there" to fix the run-on, or make that a separate sentence.

How do you convert run-on to sentence?

run on sentence

What is an run-on sentence and a fragment sentence?

A run-on sentence contains too much information that should be in two or more sentences. For example: She went home and changed her clothes then went out to the porch her friend was there they liked each other that was until they had a fight. A sentence fragment is incomplete, like She thought she... (what?).

How do you you use lam to hit hard in a sentence?

The word lam means to hit someone. It can also mean to run away. For example, a sentence would be: "He was on the lam".