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give example of sphere shaped virus

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Q: What is an example of a virus that is sphere shaped?
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What are sphere shaped bacteria called?

Spherically shaped bacteria are called coccus, or cocci (pl). An example would be Streptococcus.

What three main structures do all viruses have?

Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA.Some of these have an envelope over the capsid. The ones that do not are said to be naked. The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell.The naked viruses are more resistant to changes in the environment.A virus can have one of three structures. These are:Helical virus. A helical virus is rod- or thread-shaped. The virus that causes rabies is a helical virus.Icosahedral virus. An icosahedral virus is spherically shaped. Viruses that cause poliomyelitis and herpes simplex are icosahedral viruses.Polyhedral virus.

Why is world compared into an apple?

I think , we compare the world in to an apple because, the apple is round and, it has a core inside it, and it got a layer of skin on top of it, the earth has a core at the middle, it is a Sphere shaped and it is a crust on top where we live, this is only what i think

Why are there two connection points in a globe?

A2. A globe is a simple sphere, and has no connection points. A soap bubble is among the simplest.We may draw imaginary lines around the sphere, and make other markings, but these are marks on a sphere, not the sphere itself.

What is scan virus?

your anti virus scans for virus