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Relative refractory period

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Q: What is an exceptionally strong stimulus that can trigger a response?
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What can increase a strong stimulus?

threshold stimulus

Minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse?

An action potential needs to occur to trigger the neurons but the action potential depends on whether a stimulus is able to bring the membrane potential to a certain level termed the THRESHOLD. This threshold is about -55 mV for most neurons, but the stimulus needs to bring the membrane potential to this certain level or it will not be triggered. Relating to the ALL-OR-NONE PRINCIPLE, which if the threshold is not acquired then an action potential will not occur but once a stimulus is strong enough to depolarize (making the inside of the cell less negative going from -70 mV to -55 mV) it will trigger. The resting potential is -70 mV which the stimulus needs to bring it up to -55mV.

Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase?

Yes. ....Up to a point. There is a threshold the stimulus must surpass before creating a CAP (compound action potential). Anything below this threshold is called subthreshold. Once the stimulus is strong enough cause a CAP it is a stimulus threshold. At this point the CAP will continue to increase as the intensity of the stimulus increases (now termed suprathreshold) until a maximal stimulus causes a maximum response. Any stimulus stronger than the maximal stimulus is called a supramaximal and does not result in any larger a CAP than the maximum response caused by the maximal stimulus. source:

What is an example sentence for exceptionally?

The maths test was exceptionally difficult.The businessman did his job exceptionally well.

Flight or fight hormone?

The fight or flight response is a physical response; a strong stimulus or emergency causes the release of a chemical called nor-adrenaline (also called norepinephrine)

Similarities between systematic desensitization and flooding?

In both situations, a subject is voluntarily exposed to a noxious, anxiety-producing or otherwise aversive stimulus for the purpose of overcoming the subject's strong response to the stimulus. There may be other similarities, but no others are coming to mind.

What is fiction trigger?

A fiction trigger is an element in a book, movie, or story that evokes a strong emotional response in the audience or reader. It might include themes, scenes, or events that have the power to provoke emotional reactions such as fear, sadness, or excitement.

The strong stimulus can increase the?

Number of times the neuron fires

What is present in a vaccine to make white bloood cells create antibodies?

A vaccine usually contains a weakened form of the virus, strong enough to trigger your immune response but weak enough to be defeated by it.

When a neuron receives a stimulus that is very strong?

all or none fashion

Is conducting stimulus strong enough to generate a nerve impulse?

It depends on the strength of the stimulus. A threshold voltage has to be reached before the nerve can be stimulated.

Do jaguars bite or sting animals?

Jaguars have an exceptionally strong bite, even compared with cats of a similar size.