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A fixed cost

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Q: What is an expense that does not change no matter how much a business produces?
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What is a fixed expense?

A fixed expense is an expense that doesn't change, regardless of the activity level. For most companies, rent expense is fixed. No matter what the company's sales volume, rent expense stays the same.

What is the difference between cost and expense?

The difference between a cost and an expense lies on the matter of distinguishing and separately recognizing the used, utilized and expired portion of the cost, being that part is what we called an expense. An expense can also be described as a cost forgone since it is already been utilized and used. The expense is also recognized only in the income statement rather than in the balance sheet since utilization is recognized for a certain period of time. On the other hand, an unused or an unexpired cost is reported in the balance sheet as at a certain point of time. A costmight be an expense or it might be an asset. An expense is a cost that has expired or was necessary in order to earn revenues.

What account closes first revenue or expense account?

Does not matter, many times companies don't complete their revenue cycles until the after all expenses are recongized or accrued.

Can I get business tax forms at the library?

You can get your business tax forms at your local library. For more information on this specific matter see

How are business letters and business reports different?

A business letter is a written communication to or from a business or to or from any party regarding a business matter. A report is a compilation of information on any subject. Common subjects for business reports are accounting summaries, sales reports, staffing reports, research projects, statistics, etc.

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A change in matter that produces a different type of matter?

chemical change or chemical reaction.

What is a change in matter that produces a substance with new properties?

a chemical change

A chemical change produces a different kind of matter?

a chemical change proude a different kind of matter

What is a fixed expense?

A fixed expense is an expense that doesn't change, regardless of the activity level. For most companies, rent expense is fixed. No matter what the company's sales volume, rent expense stays the same.

A change in matter that produces one or more new substance is a?

A change in matter that produces one or more new substance is a chemical reaction. This is also known as a chemical change.

What is a change in matter that produces new substance is called a?

Chemical reaction

Chemicel and physical change of matter?

A chemical change in matter produces a new substance. A physical change, on the other hand, only alters the state or phase of matter without producing a new substance.

A change that produces matter with a different composition than the original matter is what?

This is a chemical change.

A change in matter that produces new substances is called?

Chemical change. References: Intro to Matter book.

What is General and Administrative expense?

General and administrative expenses are those expenses which requires to run day to day business activities no matter if there is production going on or not.

A kind of change in matter that produces a new substance?

Nuclear and Chemical changes result in new substances.

What defines a chemical reaction?

is a change in matter that produces one or move new substances.