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"Wrong" can be a verb, an adjective, or a noun. An example of its use as a verb is "They wrong their political enemies by always describing them as motivated by greed."

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13y ago
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13y ago

An incorrect verb tense is a word or a group of words that are used in a sentence incorrectly...the incorrect verb can be either singular or plural.

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What is a verb for realistic?

I don't think their is a verb for realistic but I could be wrong

Is misread a verb?

Yes, it is a verb. It means to read something wrong, or to misjudge.

What part of speech is the word wrong?

Wrong can be an adjective as in 'a wrong deed' It can be a noun as is 'I committed many wrongs' It can be an adverb as in 'you did it wrong again' It can be a verb as in 'to do wrong to' (used with object)

How can a verb form and tense negatively affect your writing?

If you use the wrong verb form or the wrong tense then your writing will not 'sound' correct when people read it. For example:They buy a car yesterday. -- this is the wrong verb tense buy should be past tense (bought) because the action happened yesterday.The cat was chase by the dog. -- this is the wrong verb form. Passive verb phrases are be+past participle, should be was chased.

What is an error in verb usage?

two many verbs - I am go to the station. wrong tense - I go to the station yesterday. wrong verb form - I am liking this.

Is the word wrong a noun?

Yes, the word 'wrong' is a noun, a verb, an adjective, and an adverb.The noun 'wrong' is a word for:behavior that is morally unacceptable or breaks a rule;a harmful, unfair, or unjust act;a position or fact that is not correct;a word for a thing.Example uses:He was in the wrong when he did that. (noun)You wrong him when you say that. (verb)I took a wrong turn from the off ramp. (adjective)You're doing that wrong. (adverb, modifies the verb 'doing')

Is foil a verb?

Yes, foil is a verb. It means to stop something considered wrong from happening.

Is word is a linking verb?

have is linking verb Right..and wrong. By itself it typically does not function as a linking verb. It takes an object, not a compliment.

Is trying a verb?

no, if im wrong sorry :)

What is the verb of suspicion?

Suspect. As I "I suspect he is wrong" or "we suspected that was not the case"

Is game is verb?

Is exclaimed is a adverb if I am wrong say the correct answer

What is the verb phrase in The wrong person has won the grand prize.?

(A+) "has won"