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Germany in the mid 19th century advanced by borrowing innovation created in other places, especially Great Britain.

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Q: What is another example of cultural borrowing?
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Cultural borrowing in a sentence?

humans cultural borrowing ideas like talk ideas, customs, and borrow culture from another country or state.

What is the difference between cultural borrowing and cultural diffusion?

Cultural borrowing is the adoption of ones culture traits by another group. While cultural diffusion is the spreading of knowledge as to where cultural borrowing is the gaining of ones culture traits to another anonymous group. Tell me if this helps!?

Is cultural borrowing a noun adj or a verb?

The term 'cultural borrowing' is a noun phrase, a group of words based on a noun that functions as a unit as a noun in a sentence.The noun phrase 'cultural borrowing' is made up of the adjective 'cultural' which describes the noun(gerund) 'borrowing'.Example uses of a noun phrase:Cultural borrowing occurs all over the world. (subject of the sentence)Globalization has vastly increased cultural borrowing. (direct object of the verb 'has increased')Language is a major source of cultural borrowing. (object of the preposition 'of')

What is cultural borrowing?

a social answer of technology of progress

The relationship between culture borrowing and inventions?

Cultural borrowing is the borrowing of another culture's objects to better your culture. Invention is creating something that belongs purely to you.

What is an example of cultural borrowing in the United Kingdom?

Curry is now the favourite food in the UK.

What is the spread of ideas from one culture to another?

it is called diffusion or sometime called borrowing

Define cultural borrowing?

when a group of people adopts another's cultral traits

What is negative about cultural borrowing?

can cause war

Cultural modification resulting from intercultural borrowing?

Acculturation is the cultural modification that is the result of intercultural borrowing. Fields such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology have been studying this concept since 1918.

Is the first airplane an example of cutural borrowing?

No,it has nothing to do with 'cutural borrowing'

What is an example of cultural change due to cultural adoption?

Implementing the food of another culture into one's diet