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Q: What is another phrase or synonym for 'in mind'?
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What are some synonyms for the term 'reprisal'?

Retaliation is one synonym. Requital is another's synonym if you want to use the -al suffix for a synonym. "Eye for an Eye" Is another synonym but not used as a noun. It's more of an exclaimed phrase.

What is the definition of synonym -type of clue?

From Wiktionary: " A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shutis a synonym of close"

Is an idiom a synonym?

No, a synonym is a word that means the same as another word. An idiom is a phrase that does not have a literal meaning. Ex, mountains out of mole hills.

What is a synonym for the phrase 'pay it forward'?

A good synonym for pay it forward would be to "share the love." Another simple way to describe the phrase pay it forward would be to return kindness,

Is abbreviation a synonym?

No, an abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase, while a synonym is an alternative to another word meaning the same or nearly same meaning.

What is another phrase for peace of mind?

if one word can be considered as a phrase then here : tranquility, serenity.

What is a synonym for founder as in the phrase who was the founder of democracy?

a synonym for founder in that sentence would be creator. and if that is not what you're looking for, simply go and look it up on another website like wikipedia.

What is a synonym for being single?

There are no synonyms for this phrase.

What is a synonym for the phrase 'next best alternative'?

A synonym for the phrase 'next best phrase' is very simple you if you want a synonym phrase then the proper answer would be take the middle word which in this case would be 'best' and switch the words around and find a synonm for alternative which would be thing so your synonym would be 'best next thing'

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If you rearrange the letters in CASE you get ACES which makes it an antonym?

No, an anagram. An anagram is when you can rearrange the letters in a word or phrase to form a new word or phrase. "Case" is an anagram of "aces," and "eons" is an anagram of "nose."An antonym is the opposite of a synonym. A synonym is a word that means the same thing as another word. For example, "fret" is a synonym for "worry," "liberated" is a synonym for "emancipated," and "incensed" is a synonym for "angry."An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example, "clean" is an antonym for "dirty," "fast" is an antonym for "slow," and "antagonism" is an antonym for "harmony."

What is the difference between antonyms and synonyms?

A synonym is a word that means the same as another, like cold and chilly. Antonyms are opposites, like cold and hot. antonyms = opposites ex. big/small synonyms = words with the same or very similar meanings ex. small/tiny big/huge An synonym means the same. An antonym means the opposite.a synonym is a word or phrase that means the same as another word or phrase in the same language while an antonym is an opposite word or phrase...ex:bad-goodsynonyms are words that are similar or have a related meaning to another word,for example sad:unhappy.or beautiful:pretty.Antonym is word that is the opposite meaning of another word.for example happy:sad , high,low etc An synonym means the same. An antonym means the opposite.a synonym is a word or phrase that means the same as another word or phrase in the same language while an antonym is an opposite word or phrase...ex:bad-goodsynonyms are words that are similar or have a related meaning to another word,for example sad:unhappy.or beautiful:pretty.Antonym is word that is the opposite meaning of another word.for example happy:sad , high,low etc A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning. An antonym has the opposite meaning. e.g. a synonym for happy could be cheerful, the antonym for happy could be sad.