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The atmosphere is made up of 70% nitrogen. Nitrogen is also a key ingredient for proteins and nucleic acids such as DNA, and without these, no life could exist. However, the nitrogen in the atmosphere is unusable for most organisms. A few types of microorganisms are capable of fixing nitrogen into a bioavailable form, and that is the process of nitrogen fixation. The fixed nitrogen can then be used by plants to create amino acids, and the amino acids are then consumed by animals.

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12y ago

Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation is when a relatively small amount of nitrogen gas is converted to usable forms by lightning.

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Q: What is atmospheric nitrogen fixationand how does it affect organisms?
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How does atmospheric nitrogen fixation affect organisms?

Atmospheric nitrogen fixation is the process where nitrogen is converted into ammonia. Without nitrogen, organisms couldn't grow, and organisms need nitrogen more than anything to grow.

What is the atmospheric nitrogen fixation and how does it affect organisms?

It's called do your work on your own and don't cheat off the Internet! :) Sincerely, Teacher

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Assume that transgenic organisms can be develop to speed nitrogen fixation how might use of these organisms affect an ecosystem?

If these transgenic organisms hastens the process of nitrogen fixation then the nitrogen cycle in general is sped up as a result. Ultimately, fixated nitrogen aids in plant growth since it helps fertilize the soil. It helps improve the soil's organic content and volume. This leads to various effects, good and bad. For one thing, farmers can use the organisms for better quality of crops and faster production. On the other hand, an imbalance in the earth's atmosphere can also be triggered and a lot of organisms like bacteria and ultimately us humans will be affected. Some species who had no problem surviving otherwise will die out while others will thrive and find it conducive to their existence.