

What is bacteria power?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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9y ago

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it is

Exoelectrogenic bacteria that power microbial fuel cells
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Q: What is bacteria power?
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What is solar power cooking?

leave your food out in the sun during summer and hope all bacteria is killed

How many times does a bacteria cell reproduce in a day?

Over 16,000,000 daughter cells can be produced from one cell of bacteria in one day. In scientific notation, that reads as 2 to the 24th power.

Characteristic of bacteria?

1.bacteria are 1 micrometer wide. 2.Many often cause diseases. 3.Bacteria have peptidoglycan cell wall. 4. only seen by an power light microscope.

If your bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes how many bacteria would you have at the end of twenty four hours assuming that you begin with one bacterium?

64x10^18 power or 64,000,000,000,000,000,000. 64 exa bacterium)

Why you do not start into high power on a microscopes?

I am going to ignore your poor grammar skills on this one, but here is the answer. You first start on a low power to locate the specimen or bacteria. Then you switch to a high power to get a better look at it. Hope this helps.

What feature aLLOWS some bacteria to move around?

There are three main ways bacteria can be motile, move around under their own power. These include pseudopods, cillia and flagella. All of which use energy to generate a propelling force.

Is there bacteria on bacteria?

There are no bacteria on other bacteria. Some bacteria do attack other bacteria by piercing their cell wall and injecting proteins.Viruses can attack bacteria. They are called bacteriophages.

What are characteristic of bacteria?

bacteria is a unicellular organism in other word it is an organism made up of one cell they also have no membrane-enclosed nucleus size = about 0.5 to 20 micrometers. They are asexual.. 'cause nobody likes them..

What is a bacteria that infects bacteria called?

Bacteria do not infect other bacteria, but they can attack them.

Is bacteria in an animal cell?

bacteria is everywhere. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria but it is everywhere.

Is food poisoning a bacteria or virus?

its a bacteria cause i am studing bacteria in universty