

What is bad diet?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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12y ago

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A very bad diet would consist of nothing but carboydrates, sugars and other high glycemic foods. This statement would apply to everybody--although indviduals react differently to different foods. Diabetics, of course, must stick to a very restrictive diet to assist them in controlling their glucose (blood sugar) levels.

The most desirable for all normally healthy people would be a diet that contains all the food groups: This is based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet, a figure that of course might prove too little for a man or too much for a dieting woman.

The food groups are: Fruit group; vegetable group; grain group; meat and beans group; milk group; oils; if the individual has left-over calories, these could be by personal choice if a balance has been achieved with the main groups.

The glycemic index is a valuable factor in preparing diets. This glycemic index is difficult to use because it is complicated and will vary from person to person. However, the glycemic index is a useful in planning meals, especially with

people who monitor their own responses to foods. Low glycemic food

is especially helpful in assisting those who want to lose weight. Such food

will increase the sugar levels in your body and help you to exercise for LONGER periods of time. This means you will feel less inclined to eat because energy is being slowly released into your bloodstream.

Understanding the glycemic index will also help you with exercise. If you exercise quickly and enthusiastically, then eating high glycemic foods will help you recover soon from your workout. On the other hand, low glycemic index foods are helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels for LONG periods of exercise. This means that the food you choose before exercise will be a definite factor in determining how long you will feel like exercising.

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