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A benign hemangioma is a non-cancerous tumor that is made up of clustered blood vessels. This type of mass is the result of a malformation of angioblastic tissue that is formed during fetal life.

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9y ago

A benign hemangioma is a type of tumor of the endothelial cells that are present in blood vessels. Hemangioma's usually appear in infancy and grow rapidly during the first six months of life.

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What is a hemangioma excision?

Hemangioma excision is the use of surgical techniques to remove benign tumors made up of blood vessels that are often located within the skin.

What are the treatments for a benign vertebal hemangioma seen within the L2?

Treatments for benign vertebral hemangioma vary depending on the type and symptoms, if any, caused by the tumor. Treatments may include radiation therapy, embolization, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, intralesional alcohol injection, and as a last resort, surgical removal.

What is interosseous hemangioma?

A benign skin lesion that includes or elevates blood vessels, in this case located between two bones.

What is 5mm focus of hyperintense t1 and t2 signal in the t8 vertebral body?

It is very likely to be a hemangioma- a benign collection of vessels.

What is the medical term meaning blood-filled tumor?

Neoplasm is the medical term meaning tumor; a neoplasm can be malignant (cancerous) or benign.

What is a osseous hemangioma of the c5 vertebra?

An osseous hemangioma of the C5 vertebra is a benign vascular tumor involving the bone of the fifth cervical vertebra. It is typically asymptomatic but can cause pain or neurological symptoms if it grows in size and impinges on surrounding structures. Treatment is usually conservative, but surgical intervention may be considered in certain cases.

What is the medical term meaning benign tumor of a blood vessel?

HemangiomaIt is called a hemangioma (hem- means blood, -angi- means vessel, -oma means tumor).Hemangiomahemangioma

What is the correct pronunciation of the word Hemangioma?

Hemangioma is pronounced heh-man-jee-OH-mah.

What testing is required to diagnose hemangioma?

The most common testing for diagnosis of hemangioma which is the abnormal buildup of blood vessels is typically done with an ultrasound. Some hemangioma can be visually detected.

What are the symptoms of hemangioma?

the symptoms of hemangioma include a purplish, red sore on the skin, or a raised tumor with the blood vessels. hemangioma is usually spotted on the face or neck area of the body.

How long it will take to disappear hemangioma at L3 level?

They generally do not disappear, these are benign slow growing tumors that are found in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Sometimes these tumors can cause nerve compression so see a Neurologist if you have pain, weakness etc.

What aftercare is required for a hemangioma excision?

Aftercare for a hemangioma excision involves wound care and maintenance such as changing of bandages